Tron lightcycle
Price: £34 950 ≈ $46160 ≈ €41507
Item location: London, UK
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Eco-friendly Tron: Legacy fans can have their neon cake and eat it too with Evolve Motorcycle's Xenon. an all-electric replica of the film's iconic lightcycle. Recently shown off at the Milan International Motorcycle Show. the bike features a 40. 00 watt motor powered by a custom lithium-ion battery system. an OLED light tape. and can propel you through the rain-slicked night on its 32-inch hubless wheels at up to 100 miles per hour. The three hour charge time will net you an average range of 30 miles. though Evolve says that can be stretched to 100 miles based on speed and weight. Based on the gasoline-powered model created by Parker Brothers Choppers last year. the futuristic beauty can be yours for £34950 1 of only 5 Worldwide.
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